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How Can I Help?

Your gift makes a huge difference! Just $125 sponsors a child for 5 years in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and delivers a complete library of 60 books.

$25 provides one child with a year’s worth of books, 12 in total.

As with any 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, volunteers and donors are the keys to success and sustainability. If you or anyone you know have the same passion for books and pre-school literacy that we do and want to help, please contact us.

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How To Get Involved

Become a Sponsor

Your one-year sponsorship will provide a Charlotte County pre-school child with 12 free, age-appropriate books. A book will be delivered by the U.S. Postal Service to the child’s home each month. Your “sponsorship fee” is tax-deductible.


One way to help is with a tax-deductible donation. Another way is to make a donation in the name of a friend or family member. For some people, it’s difficult to find an appropriate gift, and some may not have the need for a physical gift but need to be remembered. For each $25 or more donation, a gift acknowledgment card will be sent to you to give to the person of your choice.

Donations may be mailed to:
Charlotte County Imagination Library
c/o Charlotte Players, Inc.
P.O. Box 494088
Port Charlotte, Fl. 33949

Donations may be made in person at any Achieva Credit Union or you may also make donations online, using Square.


With a small but growing board, we need volunteer help. Depending on your skills and interests we can find a way for you to help. Please contact us if you would like to join in helping us bring the gift of literacy to the children of Charlotte County.